Octostrap3 aim to be compatible with Octopress 2.0 ( master branch on GitHub), the same version that is documented at octopress.org. There is no support for other Octopress version at the moment.

You can install Octostrap3 like any other Octopress theme. Here is how to do it in a few steps:

Octopress Installation

If you have not installed Octopress yet, check the setup page. For a quick test (and this example) you can just clone the GitHub repository:

% git clone https://github.com/imathis/octopress.git

Theme installation

Installing is straightforward, just clone the theme and run rake install:

% git clone https://github.com/kAworu/octostrap3.git .themes/octostrap3
% rake "install[octostrap3]"

And that’s it ! You can start blogging if the default theme suits you or continue this setup guid for more awesome customizations :)
